Tuesday, September 13, 2011

100% confirmed - we're having a girl!

After a shopping spree of pink and all things beautiful for my (70% chance its a girl) princess - it has been 100% confirmed that you are the angel we have longed for! My heart also longs for a son (and I will pray and trust for him) - but a princess is such a blessing for us - I can't explain but is like God has personally given me the most amazing gift - just for me! "He knows the desires of your heart - He sees all the things your heart longs for - and He WILL fulfill them in His perfect timing". I cried many nights and days - kicked and screamed and wrestled with the pain in the quiet of my room - the pain of the loss of our first little girl at 10 weeks, the pain of everything we went through - of what my body went through - and God saw my pain and saw my heart and He is fulfilling every single desire and more!! This is all more then I could ever wish for. The feeling I feel is more then I ever imagined it would feel to carry this gift. Growing under my heart - the heart that just wont stop bubbling over with joy, love, excitement, anticipation...

Our little one is looking so healthy - scan days for me are always so stressful - I count the sleeps out of excitement, but on the day I silently go through serious waves of heart pulpatations and nerves - until they turn that scanner on and I see her move and see how much she has grown in 4 weeks! It's amazing!

She is measuring at about 13 cm and has the longest legs (I know I always mention that - but the doc and assistant always gasp at her long little legs - in all their perfection) She is measuring 6 days ahead of her original due date - so current due date is sitting on the 17 Feb. I'm having a caesar so that would possibly be at 38 weeks or as long as we can keep her in:) 39 if possible :) Will take it one step at a time. I have been diagnosed with a low lying placenta at this stage, which is not a concern yet as it usually starts moving up from 30 weeks. I will pray and believe and trust that it will and is moving up everyday! This is God's plan - and His plans are perfect! I am on progesterone twice a day till 36 weeks.

Doc has given me the all clear to book my flight to Dubai - going to visit my mom in October for a nice holiday and some girlie shopping for our princess! Oh boy the excitement - to see her hold her - spend the days chatting laughing - eating all the yummy things - long naps - those days when we spend the whole day in our pj's - 2 weeks of bliss! My hubby is going away to China for business and has given me the blessing to go with his daughter in my tummy for some R'nR :) Doc wants to see me just before I leave to give me the final all clear - we don't want to take any risks. He is happy with how things are progressing - and says she is perfect.

I agree - perfect in everyway!

I guess the fun can now start getting going with the nursery...so exciting! It's gonna be dreamy...a little princess wonderland! Its gonna be perfect - just like she deserves!

Thank you Jesus for giving me my hearts desires in every aspect of my life - I am so super blessed! Blessed to be a Jesus girl...my life is worth nothing without YOU!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

a message for our baby**

"The precious miracle of a baby - and the love you feel for a baby from the minute you find out you are pregnant. I long for the day I get to hold her - and tell her face to face just how much I longed for her - how long we waited for her - how much we wanted her - and how much we prayed for her - and how we will be forever grateful that we have been blessed by this miracle - such an honor to be entrusted with carrying life - God is knitting you in my womb and I feel and see you growing daily.

I was a little girl - who dreamed of a little angel like you oneday - you're mommy and daddy are absolutely besotted with you - all 16 weeks and 5 days of you!

Love you my *summer* xoxo

Sunday, September 4, 2011

16 weeks *already* - looks like we having a princess!

Where to start... its been such an exciting 5 weeks! I can't believe just how quickly the time if flying, weeks feel like days... In the last few weeks after our non successful 'gender' scan, I booked a scan at Genesis Birthing Clinic to see if we could see pink or blue..after another amazing scan - looks like we are having a little girl :)Baby was so active and she was lying like she was on the beach with her little arms behind her head - laying on her back, then in a blink of an eye she was lying on her tummy kicking her legs... it brings tears to see her wriggling around. She was measuring 14 weeks, 1 day, weighing 82grams, measuring 8.33cm, heartrate of 162 bpm - a tiny miracle.

Last weekend was my birthday weekend and I must say it was the best birthday ever! I got 2 of the greatest gifts - my husband all to myself in a 5 star luxury spa resort and my 15 week baby in my tummy :) what more could a girl ask for. I got treated like a princess and every one of my senses where completely spoilt, the view was breath-taking, the full body preggi massage was a God send, our bedroom was a picture from my dreams - the decor - everything was just all the things I love! We ate like kings and queens and it felt like we were dreaming - my husband really went all out to make it the most special time of our lives! This I will always remember. I have inserted a picture of our princess (in my tummy) and our beautiful room... I really was a slice of heaven!

Friday night I was laying in bed (watching the bachelor finale *blush) and for about 30 mins I felt the little poppit wriggling around and tiny little kicks..I have felt a little kick here and there but only once - this once very distinct, and its always in the same spot - she is lying quite low still and on the left side of my belly. There is little area on my tummy that juts out more then the other side...and in the morning when I wake up on my back it sticks right up...

I just love being pregnant and thank God daily for our baby and just continue to pray His protection over her and our family! Our ever faithful God - has given us this baby and I promise that all the days of my life I will bring this child up to know Him and love Him with all her heart - God has such big plans for her life - for all our lives - and the best we can do is to bring her up to know Him personally and love Him with all her heart.

Here are pictures of my growing bump at 12 weeks, 13 weeks & at 16 weeks :)

Good night my blogger friends - may God bless you and keep you and let His light shine apon you xoxo