Monday, November 2, 2015

Update on our *Grayce*

Time flies by and after so long I again find myself asking questions to decide if we should dive back into our journey to have another baby. In one way I feel so selfish asking God for another baby after he has blessed us so generously with our Summer-Grayce, and then in another way feel selfish not giving her a sibling, a friend for life, a partner in crime, a shoulder to cry on when I can't be there oneday.... the decision is difficult, as the road in trying to conceive was long and painful, and its a road your heart just does not want to jumb back onto in a hurry. Time is running out for me as I am 37 and did not have a great ovarian reserve all those years back. I find myself daily asking God to just give me a clear YES or NO... but as I learnt its a desire of your heart and if its meant to be it will happen. With us falling pregnant naturally is no longer an option (as you will know if you followed my blog) so its a decision we have to make to actively decide to head back to Cape Town and try again.....

[watch this space]

Our little gem of a daughter will be 4 in Feb... and what a gem she is! Blows us away daily by her gentleness, love, kindness and funny sense of humour! (like her dad:)

*photoshoot in Mauritius - June 2015

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